Saturday, May 31, 2008 Y 2:00 PM


& will not have access to the web, nor the Thai King, unfortunately. I'll be on a school trip for six days and - my laptop battery is running flat - you can all pray hard for me that I am allowed a non-chilli choice of meals, like how the vegetarians are allowed their vegan meals. I heard about the Thai weather which is as hot as their chillipadi, an FRIGGING average 34 degrees celsius. The choices stand, either melt or contract skin cancer.

This is crazy. I'm going to arm myself with my heavyweight boxing camera, yeah yeah not the recent wimpy ultraslim ones (i'm only criticizing because I don't have one? xD) and snap everything Thai (: I'm excited about the palaces and the cheap shopping mwahaha!

So long!


Friday, May 30, 2008 Y 9:50 PM
llamas, taupok & superlatives

RMUN 2008
and AHEM too, who shall not be mentioned here for the sake of discretion.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Y 7:45 PM
angmoh revisited


Aaaah gorgeoux!

These drink machines dispense unlimited amounts of anything, from green tea to sapporo beer!


We actually had more Korean meals than Western ones, because the Chinese takeouts were all horrible and hey the Korean side dishes are really good (large portions)!

Pineapple Ice Cream for all'f you!


Saturday, May 17, 2008 Y 3:16 PM
My Favorite Place on Earth!

Wahaha check this out:

My Bug's Land photo of Mister Catapillar has been "chosen" to star in the Schmap California Guide (2nd Edition) for Disneyland Park and is published! Fun stuff eh. And all I did was to leave my photos on Flickr and they found it (:


And no it is not by THIMY. Some link error -.- To view more photos, search Squoshye on Flickr! (:

Of course there are other more professional ones that offer you much more insight into Cali attractions as compared to a fat green catapillar eating some peach-looking thinggy.

Just check out the photos included for the Golden Gate Bridge! Mine probably pales in comparison. They managed to get the waves and all for it! Well considering that there were throngs of Japanese crowding around the viewpoint and the pigeons kept trying to get into the picture, those weren't easy to take at all.

After reading the descriptions you'll feel like flying right there too ^^

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 Y 4:26 PM


Had a lovely time with jhosy the grass-plucking, posh beaver yesterday during tent pitching and I decorated anty with some twine (transformed her into an awkward mother earth -.-) after peekuai stopped being a moron with my watch. Well, that was wonderful and i know im going to miss everysingledaaaaamned one of those squaddies after rvnp s3o7 goes into oblivion.

You put a basketball in my face and grinned at me while i was a walking zombie that afternoon from mourning for my math paper (er, which came to life again after that) and that totally made my day (: After so long, the gaps simply fill themselves in, the ground becomes even and the air above it nonexistant. The voices so clear, the roads, the other people blend into a fulfilling, insignificant blur, and your words sit in my head comfortably and remain there long enough for me to replay them like aural scenes. Talking to you has made me realise how much I've moved along these few years, while you chided me for my-bad-experience. Half the people that are/were in my life you know personally, and the other half, it's as if you knew them as well. You're like my personal shrink -.- Things will clear up for you like it did me, my friend :)

It's been sooo long that I wrote something not for the sake of education, so here it is, nicely short and simple but if you can visualize it, that's going to be marvellous for you cos I saw it going on in my head while I wrote! I personally love the first two lines of each stanza so youre not allowed to criticize those or I'll bite you (:

I feel fortunate that the rhyming ends came to me absolutely naturally while I was tapping on the keyboard and this was completed in a record ten minutes woohoo. Okay I know poetry writing is about the feeling and all but the time taken definitely shows that height of inspiration I had!

Enjoy ^^

A runaway thread catches the light
falls to the ground and waits to be tried
A thousand and one patterns
from the same stitching needle,
little runaway white sits on the meter.

Hewn from his sole he hangs from a blade,
then put through machines and the mud man's trades.
He sings the same song, and wears the same dye
stands strong and curved in a short-lived arc
on an overly expensive Hallmark card.

I have made a literary offering today! Am going back to Sleuth now.

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Friday, May 9, 2008 Y 3:50 PM
Hello (Again,) World

This is scary alright. All my papers are finaaaaally over and now I still have to burn midnight oil for rmun ppt tomorrow aaaaaaaaaah~ My working paper is this piece of unbaked pie I tell you -.-

Anyway I feel totally released from the exam mode =D We ended at 930am (lovely time in the morning, nobody at the cinema) and we ditched the idea of doing rmun and went to vivo to catch Dance of the Dragon instead. I liked the literary references but the storyline was in bits and pieces so... yeah. Hester & I were holding this huge book (length is twice our waists when opened) about the whole damn analysis of the Mona Lisa painting including the nature of the CRACKS ON THE CANVAS. Cool right =D They had horizonal and quadrangular cracks lol!

And I found some overly expensive international fashion magazines but they had pretty good stuff in them (: Now I'm going to go and indulge in the wondrous world of RPG (!) oh, and do my working paper & visual aid ehhhh.

I'm totally looking forward to days of sufficient sleep :))))))
