Sunday, October 26, 2008 Y 7:00 PM WHEEEE
Well DONT CATCH IT unless you like awkward scene changes/Vanessa's new bouncy curls/rather un-catchy tunes/extremely clinche and predictable scenes, ugh "flop" as Leong calls it. Despite my determined picture of skepticism, -warning spoiler ahead- Troy Bolton: My prom is wherever you are. I MELTED. Like right then and there in my seat between Leong & Chlorine awwww omg so sweet! replays scene in head and melts again Oh and they made use of a lot more CG animation so yeah those parts were pretty good. One thing that kept going through my head was that Efron was the cause of Hudgens' nude photo circulating on the net, and now she has to act all lovey dovey with him on-screen?! I know acting is acting but I probably wouldn't be able to put that aside myself. And yes darlings that thick pile of receipts up there used to be about sixty fresh crisp $$$$ notes before friday. Oh my moolah ): Labels: Movies, Off Days, Photoblog Friday, October 24, 2008 Y 10:26 PM Best I've Ever Had THANKYOU ALL FOR MAKING MY SIXTEENTH BIRTHDAY SUCH A LOVELY ONE! so many people this year: To sharman, kelly lau and geri for their extra early birthday wishes! To jhosy, yiling and hester for staying up till midnight and being right on the dot (12AM)! To clarine and jiehan for staying up PAST twelve (like, wow!) To ANGhuishan for the first message in the morning saying she's sorry that she succumbed to sleep! To peixian for her enthusiasm and encouragement for me watching my first NC16 horror movie (i.e. the coffin) and xiuhan! To yingci, yinkuan, andie and geoffery(yes CAP next year!) for sms-ed birthday wishes during class time that I managed to reply to during Suria's lesson! To riea, jo, leon, and edsome the handsome (-.-) for your lovely cards and lovely COOKIES! edible right? =D To leong for these more than pleasant gifts: Hot pink NON-IN-EAR earbuds, a nice long birthday message AND the album of my new favourite band (and we are still warring over the best part of the man who can't be moved) : THE SCRIPT!!! Hello, I've died and gone to heaven AHHH~ To eileen for coming down with shermian in the morning to give me these gorgeous cakes:
To ALL MY FUNKY GIRLFRIENDS (huishan lydia winata kay rach) for being absolutely retarded in trying to distract me from the cake while they were lighting the candle it's SO HILARIOUS you wont believe it: lydia: why is the box so small, can put meh kaylene and everyone else bursts into song!
Then they decided to prank me by telling me that watermelons grow on trees when I insisted that they grew on the ground and kaylene was all "you know, at the nature park they have this sign: beware of falling watermelons" I was like NO those are durians and they all didnt believe me and huishan was laughing like mad =.= shan't mention my literal embarrassment in front of everybody hah! I am so terribly gullible x.x Anyways we had a pizza treat from mdm. ong after school for racial harmony day efforts yeaaaaah (: then we went for debates, equally hilarious examples of (wrong) statistical application
GEDDIT? i laughed so hard i snorted and weilin started laughing together with me xD then you have winata's illegally blonde moments: weilin: zhengzhang stop speaking like a chicken & KUDOS TO RVNP FOR CLINCHING 1ST POSITION @ TODAY'S SPORT HEATS! So proud of all you running people heheh (: My mom made curry and loaaaads of finger food for my birthday and I found these pigs already eating when I got home. YES wonderful thankyou thankyou thankyou all I shall try very hard to remember all your birthdays next year!! =D Labels: Good Stuff, Off Days Monday, October 20, 2008 Y 10:48 AM I <3 MARC JACOBS BAGS! I FELL OFF MY CHAIR LAUGHING AT THIS (emailed source): This is the actual radio conversation (released by the chief of naval operations) of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. CANADIANS: "Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision" AMERICANS: "Recommend YOU divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision" CANADIANS: "Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision" AMERICANS: "This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course" CANADIANS: "No, I say again, you divert your course" AMERICANS: "This is the Aircraft Carrier USS LINCOLN, the second largest ship in the United States Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied by three Destroyers, three Cruisers and numerous support vessels. I DEMAND that you change your course 15 degrees north. I say again, that's one-five degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship." CANADIANS: "This is a LIGHTHOUSE. Your call." Labels: Good Stuff Sunday, October 19, 2008 Y 7:51 PM Kidnapped by the weather I was driven in a metal trolley by the ever so handsome Anty this morning in Giant, Vivocity to gather a load of junk food to bring to Sentosa. And experienced my first tram ride into Siloso Beach (because we always drive in) together with the other arrived squaddies on which Wooytie and I fought over the colour of the sea LMAO and we came to a compromise that it was blue-green. We found a nice coconut tree to put our stuff under and immediately started on the sandwiches that Sharman and Liting brought and then we found the guys burying Peekuai alive in sand! Then everyone joined in and he probably swallowed a lot of sand because they were all very aggressive while I was taking pictures HOHO. Aye then they all ran into the seawater when Peekuai decided to stage his one-man uprise and I couldn't go in because I didn't bring an extra set of clothing (for which I was sarcastically ticked off by an exhausted I-ran-15-effing-kilometers Leong)!!! and Wooytie and I resorted to looking at hot babes play volleyball while the squaddies had fun on the court. It rained a heavy-thunderstormy-the-sky-is-falling kind of rain after that and we were all quite drenched and hiding in the beach shop that sells bath towels at exorbitant prices I swear ($23 for a printed towel!) We found some white tents so we settled there and played Liting's set of UNO which has this damned card that allows the holder to swop his cards with anyone else and EVERYTIME i got sooooo close to UNO game, mingjie/wenjie/weikai decided to swop cards with me =.= Nevermind that, then we watched Wooytie and Leong (Liting at first, who gave up aft that) try to fly a Minnie Mouse kite in the slight rain and it was hilarious! By that time, I was half wet, covered in salt and sand for the most part and eating Chickadees with Beaver & Loo (they sound like a company name! Like Beaver & Loo PTE LTD xD) so I left with Min Ee & a few others to wash up and leave for Ben & Jerry's. Min Ee & I shared this blissful sinful caffeine filled large Belgian Chocolate drink from the Coffee Bean and the cashier spelt my name on the receipt as "CHAMIN" zzz and we ended up having bolognese at Pastamania because the ice cream shop was darned crowded for a rainy day, at this. I walked past this group of little boys walking behind their mommies on the way up the hill and this 5 year old kid asked the boy beside him: What car does your daddy drive? He cocked his head to the side a little bit and replied: A mazda. Oh a Mazda? Mazdas are slow, the kid answered and the boy looked very rattled. Five year old boys comparing real cars? That says something about car commercials nowadays. If you drive a real car/suffer from ERP gantry overdoes/are a History student/are just bored, YOU ARE GOING TO LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF AT THIS. Watch it with volume for full effect (: Friday, October 17, 2008 Y 11:14 PM THE VERY END Say hello to post-IP-exam-life! The very first thing I did after the last paper was to make my (quick) way to IKEA with Kaylene Lydia & Winata for POACHED SALMON WITH BAKED POTATOES AND BROCOLLI! Did you hear that? Poached salmon! Horribly high mercury content but to hell with brain destruction, I can concentrate on doing brainless and fun things already! Extremely delicious, proper food that restored my, um, long-delayed euphoria. Then we went for retail therapy across the street and I saw this really pretty maroon suede strappy heels from Charles & Keith that were REALLY NICE but the heel was far too high ): I'm not about to kill my feet for nice looking shoes, unfortunately. We walked and walked and found these $69.90 Club Marc white & black long sleeved shirts (for THIMUN!) on sale and selling at TEN DOLLARS omgwtfbbq and many other outlets doing the same. Not going to disclose the name of the place in case it gets flooded x) And i got this pair of pretty shoelaces that have green and yellow fat stars printed on them to tie onto my green sport shoes! =D I am so very very glad. Kaylene and I roamed, literally roamed the whole of West Mall like I've never done before and mind you I've been going there for the past eight years! Sans Bookshop was replaced by a Korean supermart, to my absolute horror and to Kaylene's extreme joy. My lovely bookshop removed for a place selling cute files and all sorts of jajiangmyan? UGH :( my only consolation is that the stationary is simply adorable (: OH MY IDIOT BOX, HERE I COME! <3 Labels: Exam Chronicles Friday, October 10, 2008 Y 9:50 PM understand cram apply score Went out for a long-course dinner to celebrate Dad's birthday today, and this marks my latest foray into chinese cuisine, from Yunnam. Not exactly a joyful experience because the Yunnamese (are they called that?) apparently take a liking to adding wasabi and spicy sauces to the dish and successfully robbing it of the original flavouring -.- I was really pleased by the individual servings and the chic way that the sauces are arranged on the plate although I didn't touch them:
In actual fact the fin is no specialty, I like the soup base a lot more. Too bad their prices are the other way round ):
And a few more normal looking normal tasting commonly seen ones. Isn't this supposed to be the time of high stress levels, tightening social outings and boosting the brain? I guess whatever stays in your brain stays and whatever doesn't will be really hard to force in so dumdums really wish I had stayed awake last year when they were teaching coordinate geometry because those lines just dont get together in my brain! TEN MORE PAPERS! then indulgence (: (will reply to comments afterward) Labels: Exam Chronicles, Food |
people and rainbows RVNP NCO'08 / RV EL RV HISSOC/ RV SL 241092
i love reading, rainy days and pasta. i am hare-brained, slow at chemistry, fast where there's food and a hopeless tv junkie.
places Danielle Dawn Eileen Eric Geoffrey Geraldine Hester Huishan Ivan Jiamin Jhosy Johnathan Jun Yi Kaylene Kelly Lynette Matthew Michael Min Ee Natalie Rita Sharman Xueqiang Zhiying incomplete February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 since 160908 |